25 Mart 2008 Salı


We usually use the same size for hive bodies and shallow supers. The beehive type Adlešič V3 is lower in the shallow super than in hive body. The hive has nine frames, which are the most important parts of the hive. Their creation to a great extent depends on the successful work in beehives. They are made of linden ore pine wood. The Hoffman frame is the most liked and most used. It is named after the American beekeeper. The frame sides are 15 mm longer on both sides than the outer length of the frame. These are the so-called “ears” on which the frames hang from at the front and back of the hive. The hive body dimensions are 24 cm for the height, 38 cm for the width, and 50 cm for the length and the outer sides are made of 1 cm thick pine wood. The inside is isolated with 1 cm thick Styrofoam, which is coated with a protective layer of colours so the bees do not bite into it. It weighs only 1.5 kg or 6 kg with empty combs.

The shallow supers are lower than the body hives in the beehive Adlešič V3 and has a height of 17 cm. The rest of the dimensions are similar to those of the body hive. This is a two-third beehive. The creation of the super is similar to that of the hive body and the frames are smaller. The shallow super is even lighter as an empty one only weighs 1 kg or 4 kg with empty combs. These types of supers are suitable for older people because when filled with honeys are lighter than the bigger hive bodies. They are most suitable for obtaining honey from the combs and different sorts of honey. The shallow supers are very simple to install regarding the strength of the family, feed, and season. The queen excluder is put in between the body hives and shallow supers. A beehive with two shallow supers, empty combs and no hive cover weighs 18 kg at most.

We use it to cover the top part of the hive. The outside width and length of the cover are the same as the external measurements of the hive. The cover is made of a frame and metal. There is an opening in the middle of the cover in which we smoke the bees out at the beginning. The top of the cover has a sliding screen that prevents us from coming into contact with the bees. We can pour a sugary substance into this cover and put some sugar loaves or dry sugar around the opening. We can put 4 kg of feed into such a cover. There are little openings on the sides acting as vents, which let out the excess humidity.

There is also a roof on top of everything, which protects the hive from rain and snow. The roof is also used when we examine the hives. When we open the hives we turn it over so that the top of the roof, which is covered with metal, is facing downwards. We temporarily place the hive bodies on the roof of the frame. The roof is made of a wooden frame on which 20 mm thick boards are nailed to. The outer side is made of metal and the inside is covered with Styrofoam, which is added insulation from the cold. The outside measurements are somewhat bigger than the external hive measurements.

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